Fondato dai coniugi Olga Spolarics e Adorjan Wlassics,
l'Atelier Manasse/Studio Manassè fu attivo a Vienna tra il 1922-1938. Due
parole possono caratterizzare la produzione fotografica di Manasse: glamour
(alcuni direbbero kitsch) e erotismo. A queste caratteristiche si abbina la
capacità di creare uno stile e un genere assolutamente riconoscibile. Tra avanguardia e pornokitsch.
Lo studio Manasse acquisita negli anni Venti, un alto grado di popolarità attraverso fotografie sexy e glamour,in prevalenza di donne. Utilizzano tecniche di ritocco artigianali e innovative per creare immagini surreali e noir con un simbolismo erotico malcelato sotto una maschera di stile glorioso, eleganti pose e costumi futuristici e stravaganti. Intorno allo studio si crea così una piccola corte di costumisti e attrezzisti, e posare nude per l'atelier diventa quasi una moda, tanto che si lasciano convincere anche signore della borghesia viennese.
“…Studio Manasse, which flourished in the 1930s in Vienna,
captured morethan just portrait photography bursting with erotic charge; it
immortalized the fluid state of beauty and the “new woman”: confident in her
own sexuality as she struggled to redefine her position in the modern world.
Each picture offers a conflict of concepts, as provocative poses are presented
in such traditional roles that the cynicism intended renders them humorously
absurd . Adorjan and Olga Wlassics, a husband-and-wife team, founded Studio
Manasse in the early 1920s. The first Manasse illustrations appeared in
magazines in 1924, a booming industry at the time, as the movie industry
skyrocketed and publications aimed to satisfy a public obsessed with glimpses
into the world of glamour. Attracting some of the leading ladies of the time
from film, theater, opera, and vaudeville,Studio Manasse created masterpieces,
employing all the techniques of makeup, retouching, and overpainting to keep
their subjects happy while upholding an uncompromised artistic vision.Molded
bodies were dreams with alabaster or marbel-like skin; backgrounds were staged
so that the photographer could control each environment. And as their art found
a home, the Wlassics found themselves able to afford a pattern of life similar
to those reflected in their photographs. Their clients ran the gamut, from the
advertising agencies to private buyers. When the Wlassics opened a new studio
ni Berlin, their business in Vienna was managed more and more by associates,
until 1937, when the firm’s name was sold to another photographer. Adorjan
passed away just ten years later; Olga remarried and died in 1969…”